Pokemon Unit Tier List

This Pokemon Unite tier list is created based on Pokemon’s performance, ease of use, and game impact in ranked play in Veteran+. All Pokemon can work well if practiced but some are faster to learn, easier to use and win with.
All Pokemon Short Guide
Alolan Ninetales
Alolan Ninetales is a Ice/Fairy hybrid fox-like Pokemon that is intelligent enough to understand human speech. Ninetales in Pokemon Unite is one of the most oppressive early game Attacker capable of dealing lots of damage and hindrances. Be careful with its freezes as she can burst you to death with her Unite move, Snow Globe when you are frozen.
Zeraora is a feline Pokemon that can gather electricity around outside sources. Zeraora can emit stored electric currents from its pads and create very powerful magnetic fields through it, allowing Zeraora to move at high speeds. Zeraora is one of the strongest Speedsters right now with the ability to move across the battlefield while bursting down a single target or an entire team.
Snorlax is a huge Pokémon that is only interested in eating and sleeping, but when prompted, it can be one of the strongest, toughest Pokemon out there. Snorlax one of the best defenders in the game, capable of defending goal zones by itself. Snorlax is one of the tankiest Pokemon because of its high HP, defenses, and ability to shield and heal himself.
Cinderace is a rabbit-like Pokemon that juggles a pebble with its feet, turning it into a burning soccer ball. Cincerace is currently the strongest DPS (damage per second) Attacker and it is extremely hard to catch due to its long range and dash or feint moves.
We all know who Pikachu is. But if you don’t, Pikachu is a rodent like Pokemon that stores electricity in its cheeks. Pikachu mostly use their tail to discharge the electricity they store and it also acts as a grounding rod. Pikachu is your standard nuker mage. Pikachu is capable of dealing lots of damage and hindrances through its area of effect moves.
Crustle is a crustacean like Pokemon with an enormous shell. Crustle is a defender that defies the tank stereotype because he moves fast and can deal serious damage. Crustle is one of the best defenders as it is both a great defender and a strong area controller thanks to its defenses and mobility.
Wigglytuff is a bean-shaped Pokemon with fluffy fur and rabbit-like ears. Wigglytuff is currently the easiest to play support Pokemon that is also one of the most impactful. Wigglytuff can be built with lots of hindrances or it can be played with high damage and lots of debuffs.
Cramorant is an avian Pokemon that is gluttonous in nature that attempts to swallow other Pokemon whole. Cramorant is a long range nuker that is capable of dealing both burst damage and DPS. Cramorant’s Unite move, Gatling Gulp Missle, turns Cramorant into an artillery monster capable of dealing one of the highest DPS in the game from a distance.
Gengar is a mischievous and malicious ghost/poison Pokemon. Gengar is a burst type Speedster that relies on its infamous Hex resets to burst down enemies. Be careful when you are poisoned or have some status effect at it is the condition for Gengar’s Hex resets.
Machamp is a humanoid Pokemon said to know every martial arts style in the world. Machamp is an aggressive All-Rounder that relies on its hindrance immunity and bonus movement speed to get close and once he gets close to its enemies, he is a force to be reckoned with.
Lucario is a canine-like Pokemon that has four black appendages hanging down from its head that allows him to read energy. Lucario can use its energy to predict and track its enemies or create explosive spheres of energy. Lucario is an All-Rounder that is played like a Speedster thanks to its moves that are full of dashes and burst damage.
Greninja is a frog-like ninja Pokemon that uses compressed water shaped like shurikens. Greninja is a long ranged Attacker that can be played in the center lane as well as the other lanes. Even if Greninja is a long ranged Pokemon, it can be played like a Speedster thanks to its dashes and high burst damage when attacking from melee distance
Mr. Mime
Mr. Mimeis a humanoid Pokemon that is an excellent Pantomime. Mr. Mime can solidify air molecules by vibrating its fingertips. Mr. Mime is an excellent area controller who can create obstacles that blocks enemies but allows allies to pass through. Mr. Mime is also great at controlling and applying hindrances to enemies, especially using its Unite move, Showtime that can stun enemies near it multiple times during its duration.
Garchomp is a draconic Pokemon who is large but is capable of flying at great speeds. Just like its appearance, Garchomp is an All-Rounder that can be played offensively or defensively. Its passive, Rough Skin, returns melee damage dealt to it, making it a viable counter to melee Pokemon with strong auto-attacks like Cinderace or Absol. Garchomp can also be played offensively because of strong engage potential and its devastating Unite move, Livid Outrage.
Gardevoir is a psychic/fairy humanoid Pokemon that can use their psychic power to see the future, create small black holes, and distort dimensions. Gardevoir is a nuke type Attacker who is capable of dealing a lot of area of effect damage from a distance consistently. Being able to deal so much damage, Gardevoir needs to keep away from enemies since they are vulnerable when enemies get close to them.
Blissey is a Pokemon that produces eggs that can calm down even the most ferocious Pokemon. Blissey is a healing and buffing Pokemon that is also capable of being the hardest counter to Pokemon who relies on hindrances because of her move, Safeguard that can make her target ally immune to hindrances. Blissey is the best friend of Attackers and Speedster because she can increase their attack, special attack and attack speed while keeping them alive through her heals and shields.
Eldegoss is a grass-like Pokemon that spreads tiny seeds that are said to be beneficial and nutritious for people, Pokemon, and the land itself. Eldegoss is a support type Pokemon that specializes in healing and buffing allies while at the same time applying hindrances to enemies.
Absol has been referred to as the Bringer of Doom. This is due to the fact that Absol can sense an impending disaster with its horn and will try to warn people of it. Absol is a Mammalian Pokemon who can move as swiftly as the wind. Absol is a Speedster that relies on their dashes and critical damage from their basic attacks to knock out their enemies.
Charizard is a draconic Pokemon that flies in search of strong opponents. Charizard has a fiery breath capable of melting boulders and glaciers. Charizard is a flexible All-Rounder that is capable of playing the role of a long range Attacker or a Speedster with lots of dashes.
Talonflame is an avian Pokemon resembling a falcon. Talonflame is a bird of prey that feeds on other bird Pokemon and when Talonflame dives, they can reach extreme speeds. Talonflame is the Embodiment of the word Speedster as he has a lot of mobility moves. Talonflame has access to the longest range dashes, it can fly over obstacles, and its Unite move is an extremely long distance dash that drags hapless enemies with it.
Slowbro is a bipedal Pokemon that has a Shellder attached to its tail. Due to Shellder’s poison, Slowbro lost the capability to feel pain. Slowbro is a defender with lots of hindrances. The damage Slowbro receives is delayed because of its obliviousness and it can also be immune to hindrances as well due to Amnesia. Slowbro has access to the most powerful single target hindrance, its Unite Move Slowbeam that roots its target for a long period of time.
Venusaur is a plant/poison Pokemon that can manipulate nature and harness the energy of the sun. Venusaur is a tanky Attacker that deals more damage the lower its HP becomes. Venusaur can be built to be placed more like an Attacker or more like a Tank.